New Google Cloud Data Services (Vertex AI, Dataplex, Datastream)

New Google Cloud Data Services

In companies that deal with large volumes of data, complex data management is sometimes too intricate for a human workforce to handle. You have to dictate how and at what points data enters the system, what happens to it once in the system, how changes in the data will be recorded and integrated into downstream data processes, etc. Conducting these processes manually can be highly sluggish, which is disadvantageous to data companies. Newest Google Cloud data service solutions ensure accelerated data workflows, which is essential for organizations today. What are these solutions? 

#1 Data Service – Vertex AI

Vertex AI is a data service solution that unifies all of the services required to develop and deploy Machine Learning (ML) AI models on GCP. It contains pre-packaged models for training AutoML models and custom code for customized ML models alongside a UI, API, and SDKs. It also comes with Notebook, which shapes the platform for training and deployment of ML models. It integrates new MLOps features such as Vertex Experiments that enable developers to select a model quickly, Vertex Vizier that enhances an AI model’s accuracy in predictions, and Vertex Pipelines that simplifies MLOps. With Vertex AI, you can accomplish the following in an ML workflow. You can define and upload a dataset, train an ML model on this data and label the data. After the model training, you can upload, store, evaluate and deploy it on this platform. 

#2 Data Service – Dataplex

Dataplex is GCP’s smart and safe data management solution that allows users to centrally manage their data across several data lakes, data silos, or data warehouses by unifying it. Dataplex enables enterprises to serve a diverse set of users by availing a given data collection for shared use with low latency. It pioneers data analysis with its integrated GCP analytics tools. Dataplex as a Google Cloud data service ensures data governance, security and policies to be standardized across various storage devices. 

Dataplex ensures data intelligence by automating processes such as the discovery of data, life cycle management, harvesting of metadata, among others. Through this, data is available to analytics and data science via native Google data services such as BigQuery or other open-source services. In addition to providing a unified platform for storage, analytics, etc., Dataplex gives you the liberty to store data where you prefer. 

#3 Data Service – Datastream

Datastream is a Change Data Capture and replication Google Cloud data service. Datastream allows you to create an end-to-end process of streaming data changes from the source to the terminus (a stream). This stream can accurately integrate data from both related and unrelated applications. Within this process, Datastream detects changes in your data in real-time and with minimal latency and integrates this change downstream. This is important in establishing the data lineage. Datastream continuously replicates data, allowing you to unify data from numerous applications. A user-friendly process to guide you through the system is provided.   

With these Google Cloud data services, data scientists and tools can automate data input processing analysis and output, which makes their work easier and reduces the incidence of errors. They integrate seamlessly into GCP’s ecosystem. All of these services are serverless, which takes away the cost of infrastructure management.


Collaborative work w/ Google Workspace


Google Cloud Data Catalog