Collaborative work w/ Google Workspace

How Google Workspace enables distributed teams to work together efficiently?

The modern workplace is increasingly exploring the possibility of having more remote staff as part of their workforce, past the COVID-19 pandemic. Consequently, there is a need to employ a solution that ensures equal participation and productivity for teams outside the office premises. For this reason, Google has revolutionized and rebranded their G-Suite offering to Google Workspace while adding tools that will enable a remote workforce to realize the goals of a proximate workforce. Google Workspace is a cloud-based office suite that integrates Google’s communication and collaboration tools, including GmailMeetCalendarChatDrive, among others. How do distributed teams utilize Google Workspace to work together efficiently?

Distributed teams can now communicate efficiently using the improved version of Google Chat available on Google Workspace. Colleagues can directly chat with each other concerning clarifications involving projects and also send emojis for a more personal communication and also upload files directly from Drive. Integrating Chat with Google Meet allows video calls to communicate, which is helpful for lengthy explanations.  

Google Workspace solutions – Meet, Chat, Docs, Slides,…

Google Workspace also lets teams create rooms and add individuals who are part of the teams. These groups enable interaction and collaboration between individuals. They simulate the feeling of a physical conference room where colleagues can share ideas. Presentations can also be conducted in these rooms utilizing Google Meet’s video calls and Google Slides to make the actual slides. Using the same Google Slides, basic data analyses can be conducted coupled with bar charts and other visual tools. Word documents can be created and edited using Google Docs. When there is no network available, Google Docs permits downloading of these documents in advance to be edited offline. The progress can, later on, be pushed to the cloud. 

Bots, one of the latest additions to Google chat, allows these teams to select and add their favorite applications to their rooms. In this way, they can easily access the apps they frequently use, ensuring faster workflows. Gmail provides an easy access UI to the offerings of Google Workspace. The distributed teams can start by creating a business email to which every member will have access. Once the business’s Gmail account is accessed, your team members can access a shared Drive, Chat, and Calendar. Google Workspace’s shared calendar enables these teams to universally schedule activities at the most convenient times. 

Google Workspace also contains Forms where teams can custom-build their surveys and Sites for building their websites. These tools seamlessly integrate to promote equal participation and collaboration and are publically available from the 14th of June, 2021. 

The beginning of September this year, Google introduced Spaces, which enables effortless team collaboration in Workspace. What is great about Spaces is that is already integrated with Google Workspace tools like Calendar, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Meet, and Tasks. This ensures a better engagement among people in topic-based discussions, as well as new innovative ideas for the future.


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