artundweise GmbH - Staging Environments made easy
happtiq supported artundweise in creating a highly-scalable and performant infrastructure based on Google Kubernetes Engine to power their development infrastructure.
The Challenge
artundweise’s focus is the development of websites, shops and customized integrations based on TYPO3, with customer-centric approach and a knack for storytelling and content creation. Hundreds of successfully realised projects have been incorporated in a unique TYPO3-based platform. Web projects can easily be realised and benefit from years of expertise. Since the development environment for projects tend to be similar, the initial setup time was to be significantly reduced.
The solution
Using Kubernetes Engine with CloudSQL, Cloud Build, Cloud Functions and Terraform, happtiq implemented a fully automated staging infrastructure for artundweise so that developers can spin up a standardized environment for projects in self-service manner. Additional services like Identity Aware Proxy & Secret Manager keep the infrastructure secure but easily accessible for developers and customers.
The results
With the above mentioned solution, happtiq managed to significantly reduce the preparation time for new projects (1 day vs 1 hour), decreased operational efforts (automated backups & deployments) and increased security so that auw-developers can purely focus on development tasks and never have to leave their editor again regardless if they test & develop locally or within Google Cloud.
“I’m still amazed how little effort it takes to setup a completely new environment for a project and how much time & pain the new infrastructure saves us. Our developers are thrilled by happtiq’s support and flexibility if new features are requested. It’s a pleasure to work with them.”