Google Cloud VMware Engine

Expand your (on-premise) workloads into the Cloud with Google Cloud VMware Engine

Migrating to the Cloud is a top priority for most enterprises today. However, going Cloud-native can prove challenging for reasons such as the enterprises having Cloud-incompatible apps that cannot be migrated to the cloud, it is overwhelming to learn new skill sets required for the cloud, the current security protocols cannot be maintained in the cloud, etc. As a result, some enterprises have opted to retain their private data centers on-premises, at the expense of missing out on the benefits that accrue from the Cloud. Google Cloud VMware Engine (GVE) provides a platform in which on-premise and the Cloud can co-exist so that you do not have to go, cloud-native.

How does Google Cloud VMware Engine ensure Cloud migration is seamless?

The biggest barriers to moving to the Cloud are the cost of re-architecting apps to become Cloud-compatible and a lack of resources. Google Cloud leverages third-party services that are consistent with the on-premises environment. This is as a result of working with service providers such as Dell TechnologiesNetAppActifioVeeam, and many more. This integration reduces the need to change your processes while migrating your apps to Google Cloud. You can run your applications on native VMware VMs in a private software-defined data center (SDDC). You can use the same processes and policies you were previously using on your private data center, at the same time enjoying the benefits of being in the Cloud. However, GVE does not limit you from changing these processes, you can re-architect your applications to run more smoothly down the line if need be. 

Recruiting GVE’s services will enable you to have a separate cloud-based cluster while still running your on-premise data center. Workloads can migrate laterally to the Cloud with a little effort. In this way, GVE permits your on-premise data center and an SDDC in the cloud to co-exist. 

How does Google Cloud VMware Engine work?

Google Cloud avails dedicated compute, storage, and networking in the public cloud, which means that there won’t be a shortage of resources. Google Cloud VMware Engine is fully integrated into the GCP ecosystem. This means that services such as IAM for security, Cloud storage, Google Anthos, and so much more on Google Cloud Operations suite (formerly Stackdriver) will be available to you under unified billing. Billing is done monthly per node, which includes licensing, storage, and compute. You can also sign-up for long-term use and enjoy Committed Use discounts

GVE provides a unified platform in which you can manage all your clouds known as the GVE overview page. This page provides details about the service and permits you to perform basic applications such as launching the vSphere client, adding and managing users, and creating a private cloud. You can also manage (add or delete) these private clouds on the resources page. You can also view the configuration details of your cloud here including the versions of vSphere, HTX, and NSX-T that you’re currently using.  

Google Cloud offers scalability, financial predictability, and operation simplicity in GVE for migrating on-premise workloads to the Cloud. Having hyper-converged hardware, fully managed by Google will permit you to divert your focus solely on your workloads.  


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