Google Cloud Security Weeks #4

How do Google Cloud services belong to each other?

Week 4 of our Google Cloud Security Weeks started and we would like to give you some more interesting insights into the Google Cloud. Last time we talked about services that can be blocked or unblocked by administrators. As mentioned in one of our previous posts, companies that do not rely exclusively on Google Cloud services will usually block certain services to prevent the establishment of a shadow IT.

However, we would like to take a closer look at the added value and additional functionalities that can be realized through the use of Google Cloud services, thereby reducing administrative effort and increasing security.

Google Chrome

I would like to start with the browser that is currently leading the market, namely Google Chrome. Many employees in the company will already be using it in their private environment and will already be used to it. With the newly gained possibilities and Google Chrome Profiles, it is now possible to roll out configurations and policies via the browser that meet corporate criteria. In particular, Google's Endpoint Verification extension should be mentioned here, which even enables device management in the company.

VPN Access

In addition, the now introduced cloud profiles can also be used to tackle the problem of secure and high-performance VPN access. Google goes even a step beyond classic perimeter security and enables the context of the user and the request to be taken into account by means of special cloud services. Here, the location, the end device or even the current time can be configured, which is decisive for successful access to internal and confidential data. One of these services is the Identity Aware Proxy, short IAP, which controls and manages secure and authorized access to applications and services provided in the cloud. As complex as the whole thing sounds, the configuration of the service is very simple. With a few mouse clicks, the proxy is configured and placed in front of applications, which may previously have been insecure.

But what about existing infrastructure and tools that a company has in its own data center? Google also has a solution for this which we will look at in the next article, namely BeyondCorp Enterprise. So stay tuned and follow us on LinkedIn and our blog to not miss the latest trends regarding cloud technologies.

If we have only now aroused your interest in the topic, then get in touch with us and we will show you how you can easily implement all this in your company. As a goodie, we offer a free audit in cooperation with Google, which gives you an overview of the status quo in your company.


Google Cloud BeyondCorp Enterprise [GCP Security Week #5]


Why trust the Google Cloud [GCP Security Week #3]