Benefits of Google Cloud Hosting

Hosting options in the Google Cloud

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) provides a wide range of fully managed and integrated services that pioneer good business practices for enterprises and eventual success. As part of GCP, Google Cloud Hosting is no exception. Numerous parameters determine the integrity of a cloud hosting service. Google cloud hosting checks all of these boxes, while still offering so much more, making it the ultimate cloud hosting service. It has been well crafted to enable enterprises to offer quality services to their customers, consequently, enhancing their credibility. With enterprises becoming more comfortable with the prospect of running their sensitive data on the public cloud, there is growing adoption of this service. The benefits of Google cloud hosting are simply too hard to ignore. Knowing this, what are the key benefits of Google Cloud hosting for your business?

One of the core reasons enterprises migrate hosting services to the public cloud is that it is extremely cost-effective. In comparison to its cloud hosting competitors, Google Cloud offers a cheaper and more sensible structured pricing plan. With Google Cloud Hosting, you pay less than a third for IOPS per unit time. This plan is set up to charge businesses per minute, with a 10 minute minimum time. In this way, you as an enterprise will only pay for the time for which you are using the service. Additionally, GCP offers decent discounts for the short-term (sustained use discounts) and long-term (committed-use discount), when your business recruits its compute services.

What are the key benefits of Hosting in the Google Cloud?

Google Cloud hosting ensures maximum efficiency from businesses by availing private and tiered networks. Courtesy of the FASTER Cable system, as from 2017 Google Cloud shares its potent backbone with its customers globally. This addition utterly blows their competitors out of the water since none of them are willing to lay their fiber optic cables in the ocean. Sharing in Google Cloud’s backbone means your business will have maximum efficiency, even with heavy workloads with low latency. The premium and standard tiered networks introduced in the same year, ensure that no disruption prevents the flow of traffic between any two locations. Tiered networks support the proximate workforce model that enterprises are currently adopting.

Features of Google Cloud Hosting

Live migration of virtual machines is also one of the features that set Google Cloud Hosting apart from other providers. Live migration permits users to migrate VMs or applications between machines without disconnecting from the client. This also permits the engineers at Google to perform updates, repairs, patching, etc. without a significant deterioration in performance.

In the proximate workforce era, security can become challenging. Google Cloud Hosting offers impenetrable security measures coupled with reliable recovery measures in the event of a breach. This service treats every user and every machine as foreign requiring authentication details before authorization for access. The security system is in multiple layers which intensify with an increasing degree of sensitivity of data to be accessed. These security protocols have been built for 15 years and are being fortified each year. The same model secures Google’s most popular services: Gmail, YouTube, etc. Data in transit is always encrypted to prevent cybercriminals from latching on to it.

Generally, Google Cloud offers a robust, structured, secure, and efficient hosting service that gives it a significant edge over its competitors while maximizing benefits for your business.  


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